Prosthodontics, Implants, Cosmetic & Reconstructive Dentistry

How Invisalign Fixes An Overbite

Invisalign has become a popular alternative for individuals looking to fix overbite issues. Its success has made it a better alternative to traditional braces and the most preferred option for many. These aligners are made of a unique thermoplastic material custom-made to fit your teeth. They are designed to gradually move your teeth into the desired position, similar to traditional braces.

Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible and can be removed easily for eating, brushing, and flossing. They are also more comfortable than traditional braces, as they do not have any brackets or wires that can irritate the mouth.

Invisalign corrects many dental issues, including overbite, crooked teeth, overcrowding, gaps between teeth, and other misalignments. However, the severity of these issues will determine whether Invisalign is the best treatment option or if traditional braces are necessary. However, most people seek Invisalign for overbite issues, which will be the focus of this article.

What Is an Overbite?

An overbite is a dental irregularity in which the upper front teeth overlap excessively with the lower front teeth. Overbites can cause several problems, including:

  • Difficulty chewing — When the upper front teeth overlap excessively with the lower front teeth, it can create a misalignment that affects the ability to bite and chew properly. This misalignment can also put pressure on the jaw joint, causing discomfort or pain when eating.
  • Speech problems — An overbite can cause speech problems like a lisp or difficulty pronouncing certain words. This is because the misalignment of the teeth can affect the tongue's positioning, leading to difficulty with the correct pronunciation. Additionally, some individuals with overbites develop a mouth-breathing habit, which can also impact speech.
  • Jaw pain — Jaw pain can be a symptom of an overbite. The misalignment of the teeth caused by an overbite can affect how the jaw joint functions. This will lead to discomfort, pain, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. This pain can be felt in the jaw joint or radiate to other areas of the head and neck. In addition to headaches, earaches, and difficulties opening and closing the mouth, the tension on the jaw muscles and joints over time also results in headaches.
  • Tooth decay — Misaligned teeth can create hard-to-reach areas for brushing and flossing, leading to plaque buildup and eventually causing tooth decay. Misaligned teeth can cause excessive wear and tear that could lead to enamel damage. Cavities in the teeth could become more likely as a result.
  • Gum disease — An overbite can contribute to the development of gum disease by making it more difficult to clean teeth and gums effectively. When the upper front teeth excessively overlap the lower front teeth, it can create pockets or gaps where plaque and bacteria can accumulate. These areas become difficult to reach with regular brushing and flossing. Thus, plaque can harden into tartar, eventually leading to gum inflammation and periodontal disease. Additionally, an overbite can wear down teeth excessively, increasing their susceptibility to decay and gum disease.

Overbites could, in extreme circumstances, also result in TMJ (temporomandibular joint) issues. The TMJ is the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. This enables you to perform essential functions like speaking, chewing, and yawning by allowing your jaw to move in up-down and side-to-side directions. Overbites can contribute to the development of TMJ disorders by putting extra stress on the joint and surrounding muscles. Some symptoms of TMJ disorders include jaw pain or stiffness, clicking or popping sounds when opening or closing the mouth, difficulty chewing, and headaches. This can cause pain and discomfort in the jaw, neck, and head.

Patients with overbite can have either of the two overbite types:

  • Dental overbite — The position and alignment of the teeth cause this type of overbite. It occurs when the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth significantly.
  • Skeletal overbite — The position and alignment of the jawbones cause this type of overbite. When the upper jawbone (maxilla) juts forward or the lower jawbone (mandible) is set too far back, the front upper teeth can overlap the front lower teeth.

It is also worth pointing out that overbites and overjets are different conditions. An overbite arises when the upper front teeth cross the lower front teeth excessively. On the other hand, an overjet is the horizontal space between the upper and lower front teeth. Overjet occurs when the upper front teeth protrude forward, causing a horizontal gap between the upper and lower front teeth.

Causes of Overbites

Overbites result from several issues. The causes range from genetics to everyday activities compromising the teeth’ structure. Below is a look at the most common reasons:

  • Genetics — Some people are more prone to developing an overbite due to genetics. For example, if your parents or other family members have an overbite, you are more likely to develop one.
  • Thumb sucking and pacifier usage — Excessive thumb sucking or pacifier usage during childhood can disrupt the normal development of the teeth and jaw, leading to an overbite.
  • Teeth grinding — Chronic teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can cause the teeth to shift and lead to an overbite over time.
  • Malocclusion — Malocclusion refers to misaligned teeth and jaws, which can cause an overbite.
  • Trauma — Trauma to the face or jaw can cause an overbite by disrupting the normal development of the teeth and jaw.
  • Abnormal Growth Patterns — Abnormal growth patterns of the jaw can cause an overbite, for example, when the upper jaw is too large, or the lower jaw is too small.
  • Tongue thrusting — It is a habit where a person pushes their tongue forward against their teeth when swallowing, speaking, or at rest. This can cause the front teeth to shift forward, leading to an overbite.
  • Tumors and cysts in the jaws — When a cyst or tumor develops in the upper jaw, it can cause a forward shift in the jaw, leading to an overbite. This occurs because the persistent growth or swelling of the bony or soft tissue in the upper jaw can cause pressure on the teeth and cause them to move forward.

How Invisalign Fixes Overbites

Invisalign can fix an overbite by gradually shifting the position of the teeth over time. The clear plastic aligner trays are custom-made to fit your teeth and apply gentle, controlled forces to move them into the desired position.

To fix an overbite, the aligners will be designed to gradually shift the upper teeth back and the lower teeth forward to fit together properly. This process takes several months or even years, depending on the severity of the overbite.

Orthodontists place attachments or buttons on the teeth to provide additional force and help correct the overbite more effectively. These attachments are small, tooth-colored bumps bonded to the teeth, allowing the aligners to grip and move the teeth more effectively.

The main appeal of Invisalign is its lack of bulky hardware and transparency, making it a popular alternative to traditional metal braces.

Length of Time Invisalign Treatment Takes

The length of Invisalign treatment varies depending on the individual case and the severity of the dental issues being corrected. Generally, treatment with Invisalign aligners takes an average of 6 to 18 months, although some cases require longer treatment times.

The exact length of treatment can also depend on how well the patient adheres to the treatment plan. Wearing the aligners for the recommended 20 to 22 hours per day and following the orthodontist's instructions for changing them out regularly can help ensure that treatment progresses as quickly and effectively as possible. Regular check-ins with the orthodontist are also necessary to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

Ideal Candidates for Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign treats some orthodontic problems in children. However, it is typically recommended for adults and teenagers since most of their teeth have stopped growing and developing. The recommendation is informed by the force required for the alignment. Invisalign aligners apply a controlled amount of force to the teeth to move them into proper alignment. The force must be carefully calibrated based on the individual's teeth and bite.

It is more difficult to predict how a child’s teeth will move and how much force will be required to achieve the desired results. Additionally, children could have difficulty keeping the aligners in place for the recommended 20 to 22 hours daily, which is crucial for the treatment's success.

Orthodontic treatment in children uses traditional braces or other appliances that allow more control over tooth movement and jaw development. However, in some cases, Invisalign aligners can be combined with other orthodontic appliances to achieve the best possible results. Ultimately, the decision to use Invisalign or other orthodontic treatments for children will depend on the individual case and the recommendations of the treating orthodontist.

The Use of Elastic Bands With Invisalign

Invisalign aligners are designed to apply gradual pressure to the teeth to move them into the desired position. However, additional force is sometimes needed to correct particular bite issues.

In those cases, the orthodontist will recommend using rubber bands with Invisalign to apply extra force to move the teeth and jaw into proper alignment. The rubber bands are usually attached to the aligners with small hooks or buttons temporarily bonded to the teeth.

How Invisalign Compares to Traditional Braces

As part of determining whether to opt for Invisalign or go for traditional braces, you must evaluate both overbite solutions. Appearance and cost are the top considerations for most patients. However, there are additional issues you should factor into your decision. Let's look at some of them.

  1. Appearance

One of the main advantages of Invisalign over traditional braces is its appearance.

Invisalign aligners are made of clear plastic, making them much less noticeable than metal braces. This is especially appealing to adults who are self-conscious about wearing braces. Traditional braces, on the other hand, are very noticeable due to the metal brackets and wires. However, there are options for more discreet conventional braces, like ceramic braces or lingual braces attached to the back of the teeth.

In terms of aesthetics, Invisalign has a clear advantage over traditional braces.

  1. Cost

Generally, traditional braces are less expensive than Invisalign, although this can vary depending on the individual case. The costs vary depending on several factors, including the severity of the dental issue, the length of treatment, and the orthodontist's experience and qualifications.

On average, traditional braces’ prices range from $2,350 to $5,500, while Invisalign treatment can range from $3,000 to $7,000.

Some dental insurance plans cover part of the cost of braces or Invisalign treatment. Additionally, some orthodontists offer payment plans or financing options to help make treatment more affordable.

It's best to schedule a consultation with an orthodontist in Tarzana to get a more accurate estimate of the cost of braces or Invisalign for your specific case.

  1. Oral Hygiene

When it comes to oral hygiene, Invisalign has some advantages over traditional braces. Since Invisalign aligners are removable, it is easier to maintain good oral hygiene during treatment. Patients can simply take out the aligners to brush and floss their teeth, which helps prevent plaque buildup and reduce the risk of cavities and gum disease.

On the other hand, traditional braces can make brushing and flossing more challenging due to the wires and brackets attached to the teeth. Patients with braces need special tools, including interdental brushes and floss threaders, to clean between the brackets and wires.

While both Invisalign and traditional braces can achieve excellent results, Invisalign is a better option for patients who prioritize convenience and ease of oral hygiene during treatment. However, keep in mind that proper oral hygiene is crucial, regardless of which treatment option you choose, to maintain the health of your teeth and gums.

  1. Length of Treatment

Traditional braces are better suited for more complex cases, for example, severe overbites, since they provide more precise control over tooth movement. However, Invisalign can be effective for many overbite cases, especially if the overbite is not too severe. However, on average, the treatment time for both options is similar, ranging from 12 to 24 months.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the orthodontic issue and how well the patient adheres to the treatment plan. With traditional braces, adjustments are made every four to six weeks, while new aligners are provided every two weeks with Invisalign.

Advantages of Using Invisalign for an Overbite Correction

Invisalign offers several benefits for fixing overbites. Most patients provided the following as the benefits they have enjoyed, thanks to Invisalign. 

  1. Aesthetically Pleasing

The clear aligners are virtually invisible, making them a more appealing option for those self-conscious about their appearance during treatment. This is particularly beneficial for adults uncomfortable wearing traditional metal braces in professional or social situations. The discrete nature of Invisalign allows individuals to undergo orthodontic treatment without drawing unwanted attention to their teeth.

  1. Precise Treatment

Invisalign uses advanced 3D imaging technology to create a digital model of your teeth, allowing for precise treatment planning and customization of aligners. Each set of aligners is designed to fit your teeth perfectly and apply the proper force to move your teeth in the desired direction. On the other hand, traditional braces require manual adjustment by the orthodontist, which can sometimes result in less precise treatment.

Additionally, the clear aligners used in Invisalign are custom-made to fit snugly over your teeth, minimizing the potential for slipping or shifting during treatment. This helps ensure that each tooth is moved exactly as planned, resulting in more precise treatment and a more accurate final result.

  1. Invisalign is Comfortable

The smooth plastic aligners of Invisalign are custom-made to fit over the teeth. This reduces the discomfort and irritation that brackets and wires in traditional braces can cause. Invisalign also allows for more gradual and precise movement of teeth, which can minimize discomfort during the course of treatment.

Additionally, there are no adjustments needed with Invisalign like with traditional braces. Therefore, you do not have to worry about wires or brackets poking and rubbing against your cheeks and gums.

However, as with any orthodontic treatment, there is some discomfort or soreness as the teeth shift. Nonetheless, this is usually temporary and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

When to Engage a Dental Professional

Whereas most people seek dental services for aesthetic reasons, you are susceptible to other medical issues if you have an overbite. Age plays a significant role in the effectiveness of overbite treatment. Therefore, it is best to seek assistance as soon as possible.

Ensure you visit your dentist every six months. Those checkups are an excellent opportunity to detect overbite early. Thus, you can start treatment on time.

Find an Orthodontist Near Me

Having an overbite can lead to various dental and health problems, so addressing it as soon as possible is essential. Correcting your overbite can improve your dental health and boost your confidence, whether you choose traditional braces or Invisalign. Remember to maintain good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings.

If you have an overbite, talk to your dentist or orthodontist about your options for treatment. Correct the problem before it becomes more severe, as it could take longer to fix. Talk to Tarzana Dental Care today. Contact us at 818-708-3232 and take the first step towards achieving a healthier, happier smile.