Prosthodontics, Implants, Cosmetic & Reconstructive Dentistry

A Complete Guide to All on 6 Implants

Missing teeth can significantly impact your quality of life, affecting your ability to eat, speak, and smile confidently. If you seek a permanent solution to tooth loss, All-on-6 implants restore function and aesthetics.

Unlike traditional implants that are uncomfortable and inconvenient, All-on-6 implants are permanent fixtures, natural-looking, and provide you with improved oral health.

In this blog, you will learn the All-on-6 implant technique step-by-step, its benefits, potential drawbacks, and financial aspects, as well as tips for maintenance and insights into the longevity of these implants. Ultimately, you can decide whether All-on-6 implants are right for your smile and overall well-being.

Defining All-on-6 Implants

All-on-6 dental implant techniques are a modern solution for replacing missing teeth or upgrading from traditional dentures. This technique involves placing six titanium implants in the jawbone, which serve as anchors for a full arch of prosthetic teeth.

Unlike individual implants for each tooth, the All-on-6 method provides a stable and permanent foundation for a complete set of teeth using only six implants. This method is particularly beneficial for patients who have experienced bone loss in the jaw, as it requires less bone density than traditional implants.

The strategic placement of these six implants maximizes the use of available bone, offering a secure and long-lasting dental restoration solution.

Components of All-on-6 Implants

The All-on-6 dental implant system comprises several key components, each crucial to restoring a full arch of teeth.

  • Titanium Implants: The core of the All-on-6 system, these six implants are made from biocompatible titanium. They are surgically inserted into your jawbone, acting as the roots for the prosthetic teeth.
  • Abutments: Attached to the implants, abutments are the connection point between the titanium implants and the prosthetic teeth. They ensure a secure and stable fit.
  • Prosthetic Teeth (Dental Bridge): Custom-made to match the patient's natural teeth in color and shape, the prosthetic teeth are a series of connected crowns that form a complete arch. They are mounted onto the abutments, creating a seamless and natural-looking set of teeth.
  • Healing Caps: Used during the healing process, these caps protect the implants and help guide the gum tissue's healing.

The Procedure for an All-on-6 Implant Technique

The step-by-step process of an all-on-6 procedure includes the following:

Initial Consultation

Your journey begins with a consultation with a dental specialist. This includes a comprehensive oral examination, a discussion of your dental history, and an understanding of your expectations.

Diagnostic Tests

Your dental care provider will conduct diagnostic tests through X-rays and 3D scans to assess your overall oral health and bone density and plan the implant placement.

Custom Treatment Plan

Utilizing the information gathered, your dental specialist develops a customized treatment plan. This plan considers factors like the position of sinuses or nerves, ensuring the implants are placed in the most effective locations for load distribution and aesthetics. The dentist then outlines the procedure details, the timeline, and the necessary preparatory steps.

Preparatory Procedures

Depending on the patient's needs, preparatory procedures such as tooth extractions or bone grafting are performed to prepare your mouth for the implants.

Implant Surgery

On the day of surgery, the area is numbed with local anesthesia, or sedation is administered as per the plan. Precisely placed incisions are made in the gum to expose the jawbone, where the six titanium implants are then inserted. The strategic positioning of these implants is vital, often using the frontal area of the jawbone, where the bone tends to be denser and stronger.

Immediate Load Temporary Bridge

A temporary set of teeth can often be attached to the implants during the same surgical appointment. These temporary teeth allow for normal function and aesthetics while the implants integrate with the bone, a process known as osseointegration.

Healing and Integration Period

Post-surgery, a healing period is essential for the implants to integrate with the jawbone. This process is known as osseointegration.

Attachment of Permanent Prosthetic Teeth

Once the implants have fully integrated, the permanent prosthetic teeth are securely attached to the implants. This phase marks the completion of the restoration process, leaving you with a functional, durable, and aesthetically pleasing set of teeth.

Post-Procedure Care and Follow-Ups

After the final prosthesis is fitted, your dentist will provide detailed care instructions and schedule follow-up visits. These visits are critical as they help to monitor the implants and ensure the health of your gums and surrounding teeth.

How Can I Know if I Am Eligible to Undergo the All-on-6 Implant Technique?

Determining if you are a suitable candidate for All-on-6 dental implants is a crucial step before proceeding with this dental solution. Ideal candidates include:

Individuals with Multiple Missing Teeth

Those who have lost several teeth or are facing the prospect of tooth extraction may find All-on-6 implants an effective solution for full arch restoration.

Patients with Jawbone Loss

Because of the strategic placement of implants, All-on-6 can be a viable option even for people who have experienced significant jawbone loss, where traditional implants might not be suitable.

People Seeking an Alternative to Dentures

If you are looking for a more permanent and stable solution than removable dentures, All-on-6 implants can offer the comfort and functionality of natural teeth.

Those in Good General Health

You should have good overall health if you are seeking an all-on-6 procedure, as certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, can affect the healing process and the success of implant surgery.

What is Unique About All-on-6 Dental Implants?

All-on-6 dental implants stand out as a unique solution in dental restoration, offering distinct advantages over other implant options. Some of its distinctive features include the following:

Number of Implants

Unlike traditional implants, which require one implant per tooth, All-on-6 uses only six implants to support an entire arch of teeth. This reduction in the number of implants simplifies the procedure and recovery.

Bone Grafting Requirements

All-on-6 implants often eliminate the need for bone grafting, even in people with significant bone loss, because of their strategic placement and angle of insertion.

Treatment Time

The All-on-6 procedure involves fewer surgeries and a shorter overall treatment time than individual tooth implants.


While the upfront cost of All-on-6 may be higher than that of single implants, it often becomes more cost-effective in the long run, especially when replacing an entire arch of teeth.

Stability and Comfort

All-on-6 implants offer enhanced stability and comfort, mimicking the feel of natural teeth more closely than traditional dentures.

Aesthetic Results

With All-on-6, patients enjoy a natural-looking smile with less visible hardware and no palate coverage, as is common with some denture designs.

Advantages of Undertaking the All-on-6 Implant Procedure

All-on-6 dental implants offer numerous advantages, making them a preferred choice for many patients. Some of the benefits include the following:

  • Improved Oral Health and Functionality: All-on-6 implants provide a stable base for prosthetic teeth, improving chewing ability and overall oral function.
  • Long-Term Durability: Made from high-quality materials, these implants are designed to last, offering a long-term solution for missing teeth.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: All-on-6 implants mimic the appearance of natural teeth, enhancing your facial aesthetics and restoring a confident smile.
  • Prevention of Bone Loss: By stimulating the jawbone, All-on-6 implants help prevent bone deterioration that often occurs with tooth loss.
  • Increased Comfort: Unlike removable dentures, All-on-6 implants are fixed in place, eliminating discomfort and your need to have adhesives.
  • Convenience in Maintenance: Taking care of All-on-6 is the same as taking care of natural teeth, involving flossing, dental check-ups, and regular brushing.
  • Overall Quality of Life Improvement: Patients often experience a boost in self-esteem and overall quality of life with a secure, permanent solution for missing teeth.

Financial Implications of All-on-6 Implants

The cost of All-on-6 dental implants can vary widely based on several factors. The region where you receive treatment can significantly affect the price, with costs varying between cities and countries.

The experience and reputation of the dental clinic and the specialist performing the procedure can also influence the cost of an All-on-6 implant procedure.

The high-quality implants and prosthetic materials may cost more but offer better durability and aesthetics. You could also undergo additional procedures that may increase the overall cost. These procedures include tooth extraction, bone grafting, or CT scans.

Individual oral health conditions and the complexity of the dental issue can also impact the overall cost.

On average, the cost of All-on-6 implants can range from a few thousand to several thousand dollars per arch. You want to discuss pricing and payment options with your dental care provider to understand the total investment required for your case.

Payment Options for All-on-6 Implants

Undertaking the All-on-6 implant procedure can be a significant investment. Therefore, you want to explore all available payment options to help you seek dental care comfortably. Here are some common ways you can manage the cost:

Dental Insurance

While many dental insurance plans do not cover the total cost of dental implants, they may cover a portion of the procedure, such as extractions or sedation. You want to check with your provider for specific coverage details.

Payment Plans

Many dental clinics offer payment plans, allowing you to spread the cost of the procedure over several months or years.

Dental Financing Companies

Some specialized financing companies offer loans specifically for dental procedures, often with various terms and interest rates.

Third-Party Financing

Credit cards and personal loans can be another option to cover the cost of an All-on-6 implant procedure.

Disadvantages of All-on-6 Implants

The all-on-6 procedure has a healing period of up to 6 months. The initial cost is also too expensive compared to other tooth replacement techniques.

You must also undergo bone grafting, which can add to your treatment's overall cost and time. As with all surgical procedures, the procedure has the risk of infection or implant failure.

Maintaining Your All-on-6 Implants

You must maintain good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth with an interproximal brush, ensuring that you visit the dentist for regular checkups, and informing them of any emergency immediately.

Also, avoid habits that can damage your implants, such as chewing on complex objects, using your teeth as tools, or smoking, which can negatively impact oral health.

Find a Dentist Near Me

When considering an All-on-6 procedure, your dentist's expertise, advanced technology use, and track record with similar procedures are paramount. You want to understand the cost and the financing options you have so that you can make an informed decision.

At Tarzana Dental Care, we have an experienced team, modern technology, and a patient-focused approach to ensure that you will be served with a high standard of care when you seek our services. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact us at 818-708-3232.