Prosthodontics, Implants, Cosmetic & Reconstructive Dentistry

What is the Recovery Process for All on 6 Dental Implants

Dental implants are a permanent solution for individuals with missing teeth. You may be a good candidate for all-on-6 dental implants when you have an entire arch of missing teeth. Additionally, you can use these implants when you have several missing teeth and want to replace the existing ones.

Since the placement of dental implants is an invasive surgical procedure, the recovery may take a while. However, the implants must heal properly and provide a long-term solution for missing teeth.

The recovery of all-on-6 implants can take up to six months, including steps like osseointegration, jawbone growth, and surgical site recovery. After your dental implant surgery, your dentist will offer aftercare instructions to help your recovery. All-on-6 dental implant surgeries can have significant impacts on your oral health. Therefore, seeking expert dental services is critical.

Recovery For all-On-6 Dental Implants

Most people are hesitant to undergo dental implant surgery due to concerns about the recovery process and potential complications as the implants heal. While there are different stages of recovery for patients who have undergone all-on-6 dental implant surgeries, the recovery time varies between patients. The timeline for all-on-6 dental implants includes the following:

Initial Recovery

The procedure for all-on-6 dental implants involves the surgical placement of the permanent prosthesis, which will eventually anchor the tooth restorations. This procedure is done by cutting through the gums, drilling the jawbone, and attaching the implant to the bone. Since the process is invasive, your oral surgeon will administer anesthesia to numb the pain and reduce discomfort throughout the procedure.

After your all-on-6 dental implant, you may experience slight pain and discomfort from the surgical site. Often, the pain could begin when the anesthesia from the procedure wears off. Your oral surgeon may prescribe some pain relievers to manage the pain.

During this recovery stage, you must prioritize rest and avoid engaging in activities that could cause injury to your mouth or jaws. Resting will allow your body to focus all its energy on recovery.

Within three to five days after the surgical procedure, you could notice a peak in bruising and swelling around the gums. While this is a standard part of the healing process, it could feel uncomfortable. However, the swelling and bruising subside. Applying some cold packs can help alleviate the pain and discomfort during this stage of recovery from all-on-6 dental implants.

Suture Removal

Within two weeks of your surgery, your dental team will remove the non-resorbable sutures used to stitch up your gums after the implant procedure. A successful removal of the stitches is a positive sign of recovery from the dental implant procedure.

At this stage, your dentist will check out your gums at the surgical site for any signs of infection. Additionally, you will receive advice and tips on maintaining proper oral hygiene. Mostly, you will need to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush gently to avoid causing injuries to the gums.

Implant Integration

For several weeks after removing your stitches, your all-on-6 dental implants will begin to integrate with the jawbone. Before the whole procedure begins, your oral surgeon will check the health and strength of your jawbone. A bone graft could be necessary for extra strength if your jawbone is weak or damaged.

The integration process could be smooth since the implants are attached to a healthy jaw. Osseointegration is critical for all-on-6 dental implants since it creates a solid foundation for tooth restoration. If you experience severe pain or swelling that doesn’t go away at this point, it would be critical to seek immediate dental care.

Ongoing Care

When your implants have integrated with the jawbone and your oral surgeon is satisfied with the progress, you will be ready for a new smile. At this stage, your custom-made artificial teeth will be attached. Even when your smile is restored, and you can eat your favorite foods with your new set of teeth, the healing process may not be complete.

Even after the initial healing and attachment of the prosthesis, you must take care of your teeth and gums. You should wear a mouth guard to protect your mouth and jaws when engaging in sporting activities. The ongoing care ensures that your smile remains healthy and promotes a full recovery from the surgical procedure.

Tips for Fast Recovery After All-on-6 Dental Implant Surgery

Undergoing dental implant surgery can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. While your smile and oral health are restored, you may be nervous about your recovery journey. This is because your implants must fuse with the bone, which could take some time. Like with every surgical procedure, there is a risk of developing complications after the procedure.

You can ensure a faster recovery process by following the following aftercare tips:


Rest is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your body after the surgical placement of dental implants. Your dentist will recommend that you don’t resume work immediately or avoid engaging in vigorous activities. If you feel tired or worn out, rest to avoid straining the body or causing further injury.

Eat Nutritious and Soft Foods

Your diet is essential to healing after an all-on-6 dental implant surgery. After the procedure, most patients' mouths and gums will be swollen and sensitive. Therefore, your dentist will recommend that you eat soft foods. This is to avoid further injury to the surgical site.

Some foods that could be soft but nutritious during recovery include protein shakes, smoothies, and fruit salads. By the second week after your surgery, you may be able to consume soft vegetables, rice, and eggs. As your mouth and jaw continue to heal from the trauma of the surgery, you can eat soft meat and eventually go back to your regular diet without straining.

You must avoid spicy or hot foods that irritate your gums and slow healing. Eating soft foods and ensuring that you receive the proper nutrition are essential. Providing the body with the necessary nutrients ensures faster wound healing and general recovery.

Hydration is Key

After your dental implant surgery, staying hydrated is key. Plenty of water allows your body to flush out toxins that could slow healing. Additionally, being hydrated can help you feel energized. While you increase your water intake, you should cut down on alcohol or caffeine since they can slow down your body’s recovery.

In addition to keeping your body energized, taking plenty of water helps clean out food particles from your teeth and gums and prevents bad breath.

Apply Ice Packs

Swelling of the gums and mouth tissues is a common aftermath of dental implant surgery. You can use an ice pack to provide relief and ease the swelling. Wrapping the ice pack with a towel protects your skin from damage from the ice. You can apply the ice packs for up to twenty minutes before removing them to avoid ice burns.

Salt Water Rinse

Rinse your mouth with salt water after all oral surgeries, including placing all-on-6 dental implants. A saltwater rinse will decrease the bacteria in your mouth and reduce the surgical site. Making a salt water rinse involves mixing eight ounces of water and a teaspoon of salt. You can swish the solution in your mouth for up to thirty seconds before spitting it out.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Although dental implants are not natural teeth, they are anchored to your jawbone, making them a permanent restoration. Your all-on-6 dental implants will require proper hygiene to ensure a fast recovery. Basic oral hygiene involves brushing teeth, flossing regularly, and using mouthwash.

The exact oral hygiene routine that you must follow will vary for each stage of the healing process. For example, you may not be able to brush your teeth immediately after the surgical procedure. However, your dentist can recommend salt water rinses and other ways to keep your mouth free of bacteria. However, you must follow each instruction your dentist gives after your procedure.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking harms your oral health and overall well-being, even when you have not undergone a dental procedure. However, smoking after a dental implant surgery could impact your recovery process. Nicotine is known for restricting blood flow to your oral tissues and bones. This could slow down the healing from the surgery and potentially cause other oral health complications.

Find a Reliable Dentist Near Me

Having missing teeth affects not only your smile but can also cause other oral health complications. Depending on the number of missing teeth that you have, your dentist can recommend dental implants. All-on-6 dental implants are an effective solution for the replacement of missing teeth.

After your procedure, you may experience mild pain and bruising at the surgical site. Therefore, your dentist will prescribe some pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications. If there is a risk of infection, you may need antibiotics to prevent it.

You can ensure a fast recovery and avoid complications after all-on-6 implant placement by following all the post-operative care instructions and making follow-up dental visits. If you or a loved one is considering all-on-6 dental implants in Tarzana, CA, you will benefit from our expertise at Tarzana Dental Care. Call us at 818-708-3232 to book an appointment.