Prosthodontics, Implants, Cosmetic & Reconstructive Dentistry

How to Know All on X Dental Implants are Right For You

Missing teeth is a common oral health complication affecting many adults in the United States. You can lose your teeth through trauma to the jaw, gum diseases, or extraction due to cavities and tooth decay.

When you consult your dentist seeking a solution for missing teeth, they will recommend several options depending on the number of missing teeth, the location of the gaps, and the desired procedure. All-on-X dental implants are surgically placed dental restorations that combine the natural feel and function with the esthetics of fixed prosthetics.

Unlike the traditional implants, the all-on-x implants are anchored by six to four implants on each arch. Not all individuals with missing teeth are good candidates for the procedure. Therefore, consulting with a competent dentist helps you undergo an assessment to determine whether the all-on-X implants are a fit for you.

The following are some of the indicators that all-on-x dental implants are suitable for you:

You Have Missing Teeth

Having several missing teeth on one jaw is the greatest indication that all-on-X dental implants are right for you. Missing teeth is a prevalent oral health complication and can be caused by several factors, including:

  • Trauma. Trauma to your jaw from an auto accident, assault, or sports injury can cause loosening and loss of your teeth.
  • Gum disease. Gum disease, or periodontitis, is an oral health infection caused by the accumulation of bacteria in the teeth and gums. Gum disease is characterized by pain, swelling, redness, and bleeding of the gums. When left untreated, gum disease can cause damage to the jawbone, which will result in tooth loss.
  • Extraction. Your dentist will recommend tooth extraction when your teeth are damaged or decayed and other options for restoring them are ineffective. A tooth that cannot be filled or fitted with a crown could prompt an extraction.
  • Other health complications. Some conditions, like smoking, hypertension, and arthritis, can cause you to lose your teeth.

Missing teeth will not only distort your smile but can also devastate your oral health. This could include shifting of the remaining teeth and damage to your jawbone. The all-on-X dental procedure is ideal for individuals with missing teeth along one arch. Replacement of your missing teeth with these types of implants ensures the restoration of your smile and the normal function of your remaining teeth.

You Have Advanced Gum Disease

Periodontitis is an infectious disease caused by microbial plaque and tartar. The condition starts with gingivitis, which causes inflammation and gum swelling, and progresses to periodontitis, which can cause a dental abscess, damage to the jawbone, and tooth loss. When gum disease is detected in its early stages, it can be reversed, and you will avoid severe dental complications.

However, when left untreated, the bacteria can enter your bloodstream and cause tooth loss and other health conditions. You will be diagnosed with severe gum disease when you experience symptoms like bleeding gums, dental abscesses, and bad breath that do not go away with routine oral hygiene.

If you have severe gum disease with lessened teeth, your dentist can recommend undergoing an all-on-X dental implant procedure. In this case, the loosened teeth will be extracted and replaced with restorations anchored to the implants.

You Have Sufficient Jawbone Structure

Like traditional dental implants, the all-on-X implants are anchored to your jawbone, which must be healthy before proceeding with the procedure. When you have a missing tooth for a prolonged period, the jawbone is not stimulated and could begin to shrink. Under these circumstances, you will start to experience bone loss. Your dentist will perform X-rays and other tests to determine the health of your jawbone.

All-on-X dental implants will be the right option if you have a healthy jawbone. However, all hope is preserved for individuals with bone deterioration. A bone graft procedure may be performed to increase your bone density.

You have Poorly Fitting Dentures

Dentures are removable oral appliances used to replace missing teeth. Dentures could be complete or partial. Often, these dental restorations have an average lifespan of up to ten years. Dentures are custom-made to fit the goals left by missing teeth. When dentures are not attached to an implant, they do not offer any bone stimulation. Therefore, your oral tissues could change as you age, causing the dentures to shift or wobble in your mouth.

Poorly fitting dentures can cause extreme discomfort for the wearer. Additionally, they can affect your ability to chew your food and speak correctly. If you are in such a predicament, it may be time to use a more permanent solution, like dental implants. The all-on-X dental implants will be anchored with at least four implants and can support the missing teeth or a single arch.

The all-on-X implants are tightly attached to the jawbone, which means that they offer the necessary stimulation. Additionally, they fit like natural teeth and will help you avoid the discomfort and complications of removable dentures.

You are a Non-Smoker

A dental implant procedure is often complicated. The expected outcome is to restore your smile and avoid the complications of missing teeth. While all-on-X dental implants are a good solution for people with missing teeth, some complications could arise with the recovery. One of the most dreaded complications of a dental implant procedure is compromised recovery.

Dental implants and smoking are not a good combination. Smoking before or after the all-on-X dental implants could have the following adverse effects:

  • Slow healing. Placement of dental implants is a surgical procedure that could take a while to recover. Smoking restricts blood flow to the gums and oral tissues, which could slow down the healing process. Additionally, this could make it challenging for the implants to fuse properly with the jawbone.

  • Infection. There is an increased risk of infection at a dental implant site for smokers. This is because the nicotine found in cigarettes weakens the body’s immunity, making it hard to fight infections. A severe infection after an all-on-x dental procedure can cause implant failure and a need for corrective surgeries.

  • Peri-Implantitis. Peri-implantitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the tissue around dental implants. This is a leading cause of implant failure and is a common complication among individuals with a history of smoking. Additionally, smoking can increase your risk of gum disease, which affects the success of your implants.

If you are a non-smoker, all-on-X dental implants may be a good option for tooth replacement. However, for smokers, the dentist can recommend alternative treatments.

You have no Oral Diseases

Undergoing an all-on-X dental implant procedure requires a healthy mouth and gums. Therefore, your dentist will evaluate your oral health before recommending the procedure. If you have oral health complications like gum disease and tooth decay, the dentist may recommend that you have them treated before you undergo the implant procedure.

You are a good candidate for all-on-X dental implants for individuals who are free from oral diseases. However, gum disease will not automatically disqualify you from getting dental implants. Your dentist will recommend treatment for the condition, and the treatment outcome will determine if you can undergo the implant procedure.

You Have Difficulty Chewing or Speaking

Missing teeth can misalign your bite, which causes difficulties when chewing or speaking. If this problem persists even with other tooth restorations, it may be time for all-on-X dental implants. Dental implants function like natural teeth and cannot quickly shift from chewing pressure. This gives you a natural look and feel. In this case, you can chew your food and speak correctly.

Traditional Implants Cannot Work for You

There are some significant differences between all-on-X dental implants and traditional implants. With the traditional dental implant, each tooth restoration is anchored by an independent metal post surgically implanted into the jawbone. On the other hand, the all-on-X implant procedure uses fewer implants to anchor more teeth on one arch.

For this reason, the placement of traditional implants is a more invasive surgical procedure. The bone density and health needed for these types of implants are higher than those required for all-on-X implants. If your jawbone is not healthy enough to support all the implants for your missing teeth, the all-on-X implants may be your best choice.

Find a Competent Dentist Near Me

Gaps in your teeth will distort your smile and cause other dental complications, including tooth misalignment and general dental function. Fortunately, you can improve your smile and avoid oral health complications in several ways, including by undergoing a dental implant.

When you have multiple missing teeth on one arch, your dentist can recommend all-on-x dental implants. The all-on-X implant procedure is an effective and well-established way to replace an entire arch of missing teeth.

The first step in undergoing an All-on-X dental implant procedure is assessing your oral health, including the health of your gums and jawbone. This will aid in determining whether this procedure is suitable for your missing teeth. At Tarzana Dental Care, we offer safe and reliable dental care services for our clients in Tarzana, CA. Call us at 818-708-3232 today to book your appointment.